Thursday, December 9, 2010
Political Commentary and Opinion

What is a global elite and what does it do!

Fathers Canada & BC Revolution
Dec.9th 2010
by Mark G Hansel and Robert Polton

These are some of those New World Order, Global Elite and World Government insiders, who are looking at taking the worlds water supply for profit. They the Global Elite call it “Blue Gold.” as water is in their eyes the new Peak oil.

So.. What is the best way to describe the Global Elite and how the Global Elite of the Elites are viewed in the world. Well, it been said, they are a like creatures of the night called "Ferengi Elitists...."

Here is what the Elite what for people 

They the Global Elite and their culture (Cult or Cultists) are characterized by a mercantile obsession with profit and trade and their constant efforts to swindle people in the world into bad deals, so they can create their  kingdom of slaves to control. They are also known for their business acumen, and rabid obsession to exploit common property and resources.

The ultimate aim of this group is to make ever more profit, even through world
expansion by invading other countries and raping and pillaging their resources,
which in their minds is only constant acquisition (see the Rules of Acquisition), or trade for the global Elite. In the past, acquisition has been gained through attacking other countries and taking anything of value. Recently they determined that one cannot make a profit if one is blown up, and that peaceful trade is more profitable, so this hostile approach has become less desirable on the whole to the global elite.

The Ferengi Global Elite Alliance initially operated as a mostly patriarchal society, however an offshoot of women worshiping cultists has gained political influence recently, with many female deities worshipped. There is a strong Ferengi presence in all national political systems through out the world, as their corruption, greed, and lust for power spread unceasingly. The Global Elite Alliance remained neutral during the destructive World wars, and actually profited by funding both sides, and loaning large sums of money to the combatant nations. 

Their home planet, somewhere in the Orion constellation according to their legend, is
the center of the Ferengi Galactic Alliance and is governed by the Grand Poobah
they call the 'all seeing one' who's name is best translated as 'The shiny one' who exists in constant darkness, and accidently poked out his own eye while eating, and is often depicted as an eyeball floating over a plate of food. The Ferengi Galactic Alliance consists of a Commerce Authority made primarily of the "Council of Economic Advisors" (formerly Board of Liquidators). Like most of their culture, their religion is based on the principles of capitalism, cannibalism, and cloning and wild sex partys: they offer prayers, blood sacrifice and monetary offerings to a "Blessed Exchequer" in hopes of entering the "Divine Treasury" upon death, and fear an afterlife spent in the "Vault of Eternal Destitution".

Noteworthy; Ferengi males are neither buried nor cremated when they die. Rather, the dying male puts his body up for auction to the highest bidder and the dead body is carved up into 33 little pieces that are vacuum-desiccated, preserved and packaged for sale as mementos of a worthy life. Their concepts of the afterlife are a mirror of their pursuit of wealth in life. When a Ferengi dies, he is said to meet the Blessed Exchequer, who reviews the financial statements of that Ferengi's entire life. If he earned a profit, he is ushered into Ferengi heaven: the Divine Treasury, where the Celestial Auctioneers allow him to bid on a new life. Alliance members who were not financially successful in life are damned to the Vault of Eternal Destitution.

When the Ferengi elite prays or bows in reverence, he holds his hands in a bowl shape with his wrists together. A typical Ferengi prayer begins with this phrase: "Blessed Exchequer, whose greed is eternal, allow this bribe to open your ears and hear this plea from your most humble debtor." As is typical, this is accompanied by placing a slip of lithium into a small statue made in the Exchequer's likeness. Ferengi also make regular pilgrimages to Earth's Wall Street, which they view as a holy site of commerce and business



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