Thursday, December 9, 2010
Political Commentary and Opinion

What is a global elite and what does it do!

Fathers Canada & BC Revolution
Dec.9th 2010
by Mark G Hansel and Robert Polton

These are some of those New World Order, Global Elite and World Government insiders, who are looking at taking the worlds water supply for profit. They the Global Elite call it “Blue Gold.” as water is in their eyes the new Peak oil.

So.. What is the best way to describe the Global Elite and how the Global Elite of the Elites are viewed in the world. Well, it been said, they are a like creatures of the night called "Ferengi Elitists...."

Here is what the Elite what for people 

They the Global Elite and their culture (Cult or Cultists) are characterized by a mercantile obsession with profit and trade and their constant efforts to swindle people in the world into bad deals, so they can create their  kingdom of slaves to control. They are also known for their business acumen, and rabid obsession to exploit common property and resources.

The ultimate aim of this group is to make ever more profit, even through world
expansion by invading other countries and raping and pillaging their resources,
which in their minds is only constant acquisition (see the Rules of Acquisition), or trade for the global Elite. In the past, acquisition has been gained through attacking other countries and taking anything of value. Recently they determined that one cannot make a profit if one is blown up, and that peaceful trade is more profitable, so this hostile approach has become less desirable on the whole to the global elite.

The Ferengi Global Elite Alliance initially operated as a mostly patriarchal society, however an offshoot of women worshiping cultists has gained political influence recently, with many female deities worshipped. There is a strong Ferengi presence in all national political systems through out the world, as their corruption, greed, and lust for power spread unceasingly. The Global Elite Alliance remained neutral during the destructive World wars, and actually profited by funding both sides, and loaning large sums of money to the combatant nations. 

Their home planet, somewhere in the Orion constellation according to their legend, is
the center of the Ferengi Galactic Alliance and is governed by the Grand Poobah
they call the 'all seeing one' who's name is best translated as 'The shiny one' who exists in constant darkness, and accidently poked out his own eye while eating, and is often depicted as an eyeball floating over a plate of food. The Ferengi Galactic Alliance consists of a Commerce Authority made primarily of the "Council of Economic Advisors" (formerly Board of Liquidators). Like most of their culture, their religion is based on the principles of capitalism, cannibalism, and cloning and wild sex partys: they offer prayers, blood sacrifice and monetary offerings to a "Blessed Exchequer" in hopes of entering the "Divine Treasury" upon death, and fear an afterlife spent in the "Vault of Eternal Destitution".

Noteworthy; Ferengi males are neither buried nor cremated when they die. Rather, the dying male puts his body up for auction to the highest bidder and the dead body is carved up into 33 little pieces that are vacuum-desiccated, preserved and packaged for sale as mementos of a worthy life. Their concepts of the afterlife are a mirror of their pursuit of wealth in life. When a Ferengi dies, he is said to meet the Blessed Exchequer, who reviews the financial statements of that Ferengi's entire life. If he earned a profit, he is ushered into Ferengi heaven: the Divine Treasury, where the Celestial Auctioneers allow him to bid on a new life. Alliance members who were not financially successful in life are damned to the Vault of Eternal Destitution.

When the Ferengi elite prays or bows in reverence, he holds his hands in a bowl shape with his wrists together. A typical Ferengi prayer begins with this phrase: "Blessed Exchequer, whose greed is eternal, allow this bribe to open your ears and hear this plea from your most humble debtor." As is typical, this is accompanied by placing a slip of lithium into a small statue made in the Exchequer's likeness. Ferengi also make regular pilgrimages to Earth's Wall Street, which they view as a holy site of commerce and business

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ardin is a notorious radical feminist - but in a sense not necessarily known much outside Sweden. Feminism in some circles focuses on how men achieve social dominance
through sex. Many of these Swedish radical feminists are militant lesbians who use fabricated stories of sexual harassment in an attempt to 'transform' society

Anna Ardin, a notorious radical known in Sweden
for her feminism views on how men achieve social dominance through sex, has been
known to be bent on revenge. On January Ardin posted a blog entry on ‘7 Steps to
Legal Revenge by Anna Ardin’, which included a statement, I’ve been thinking
about some revenge over the last few days…
An article on the blog can be
read here - .

It is also noted that this is not the first time Ardin has accused someone for molestation of a sexual nature in Sweden.

Ardin invited Assange to Stockholm, and was briefly appointed his press secretary during his visit.

The story begins the weekend of August 15.
Assange wanted to attend a Swedish crayfish party, Ardin made the

According to the Swedish newspaper Expressen,
Assange sexually harassed a woman (Ardin) in Stockholm then two or three days
later traveled 20km to Enköping where he supposedly raped another woman (Ardin’s
friend). The Expressen concludes by an astonishing coincidence, the two women
were friends. They decided a week later to go to a police station together
saying that “Assange raped and harassed us”.

Assange’s “victim” is a twisted, man-hating bitch who was bent on getting revenge for being played. She fabricated a rape charge within two days of having sex. Ardin is a sick puppy whose petty act of vengeance will damn an innocent man.
This is the the feminazi little darling:

Julian Assange’s rape accusers are nothing more than lying feminist slags. The name “Anna Ardin” must go down with Crystal Gail Mangum and Katelyn Faber in the Hall of Girls Who Cried Rape. Men alike must make a definitive case as to how feminazis have destroyed modern society, and familys, children as their mentally disturbed feminazi groupies not only make false rape accusations We must hang this albatross around the feminists’ necks and give them a blow that they will never recover from.

Was Assange Set Up By CIA Operative?

Wikileaks founder arrested over spurious rape claims made by militant feminist who worked for group funded by US government.
Paul Joseph
December 7, 2010
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s arrest over the dubious rape and molestation claims of two Swedish women is likely a political stunt, after it was revealed that one of the women has connections to the CIA and is a militant feminist who published a guide on how to get revenge on men and make them “suffer”.

The 39-year-old Australian was detained by Scotland Yard officers at around 9.30am after he voluntarily went to a police station in central London,”
reports Sky News. Assange is attempting to clear his name of spurious rape charges that appear to be part of a contrived ploy to discredit him.

Whatever your view on the motivations behind Assange’s Wikileaks campaign, the rape story appears to be little more than a fabrication contrived by two jilted women.The “rape” charges, which were virtually laughed out of court by the original prosecutor, center around Assange’s refusal to wear a
condom during sex. The two women, who Assange had sex with on back to back nights in August when he was visiting Sweden, both “sent SMS messages and tweets boasting of their conquests following the alleged “rapes,”
reports Raw Story, strange behavior for people who subsequently claimed they were victims of molestation.

“At least as the Sydney Herald’s Asher Moses tells it, there’s not much in the stories about forced
sex or “molestation” or politically-driven hit jobs,”
points out Henry Blodget. “Mostly it’s about two Julian Assange fans annoyed that the rock star Wikileaks founder charmed their pants off and then
Indeed, one of the alleged “victims,” Anna Ardin, later threw a party at her flat in honor of Assange after he had supposedly raped her, according to Assange’s lawyer James D. Catlin.
The exact content of Wilén’s mobile phone texts is not yet known but their bragging and exculpatory character has been confirmed by Swedish prosecutors. Neither Wilén’s nor Ardin’s texts complain of rape,” Catlin said.
Despite their initial celebration at consorting with Assange, the women later went to a police station and claimed Assange had sexually molested them.
It has now emerged that Anna Ardin is a militant feminist who views even consensual sex as tantamount to rape and has published blogs encouraging women to seek “revenge” on their ex-lovers by making them “suffer”.
She has also been strongly linked with the US Central Intelligence Agency. Ardin may have “ties to the US-financed anti-Castro and anti-communist groups,” according to Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett, writing for CounterPunch.
“While in Cuba, Ardin worked with the Las damas de blanco (the Ladies in White), a feminist anti-Castro group,” writes David Edwards. “Professor Michael Seltzer pointed out that the group is led by Carlos Alberto Montaner who is reportedly connected to the CIA.”
The Ladies in White organization is funded by the US government and is also supported by Luis Posada Carriles, a known CIA agent who is alleged to have participated in terror attacks that have killed hundreds of people.
“Ardin is “a gender equity officer at Uppsula University – who chose to associate with a US funded group openly supported by a convicted terrorist and mass murderer,” FireDogLake’s Kirk James Murphy observed,” writes Edwards.
The two women appear to be useful pawns in a wider dirty tricks campaign aimed at discrediting Assange and his organization. No matter what your view is on the rights and wrongs of Wikileaks, the “rape” claims are utterly spurious and only serve to take away attention from the leaked cables, replacing that focus instead with titillating claims about Assange’s private life that have nothing to do with the issue at hand.

How these Two Women can look at themselves in the morning knowing the type of crimes they committed is beyond  anyone's understanding other then trying to make themselves out as some kind of hero.

The Feminazi Blog Thread Yet on the Swedish Charges, uh - Not Charges - Against Julian Assange

Essentially, what has emerged in the thread comments, especially on Sunday, is that the probable
first complainant,
Anna Ardin, posted a blog entry in January about the stages of revenge, and may have worked for a time, in an intern-like job, for the Swedish government in Washington DC and possibly elsewhere. Although the second of these is still up in the air she is an utterly fascinating and extremely complex person, to say the least.
Here's her recipe for revenge: On Men who have sex with her

Essentially, what
has emerged is that the probable first complainant,
Anna Ardin,
posted a blog entry in January about the stages of revenge, and may have worked
for a time, in an intern-like job, for the Swedish government in Washington DC
and possibly elsewhere. Although the it now shows that she is nothing but
another self seaking feminazi nutjob bent on harming

7 Steps to Legal Revenge by Anna

January 19, 2010

I’ve been thinking about some revenge over
the last few days and came across a very good side who inspired me to this
seven-point revenge instruction in Swedish.

Steg 1 / Step 1
Tänk igenom väldigt noga om du verkligen ska hämnas. Consider very carefully if you really must take revenge. Det är nästan alltid bättre att förlåta än att hämnasIt is almost always better to forgive than to avenge
Steg 2 / Step 2
Tänk igenom varför du ska hämnas. Think about why you want revenge. Du behöver alltså inte bara vara på det klara med vem du ska hämnas på utan också varför. Hämnd ska aldrig riktas mot bara en person, utan även möta en viss handling. You need to be clear about who to take revenge on, as well as why. Revenge is never directed against only one person, but also the actions of the person.
Steg 3 / Step 3
The principle of proportionality. Kom ihåg att hämnden inte bara ska matcha dådet i storlek utan även i art. Remember that revenge will not only match the deed in size but also in nature. En bra hämnd är kopplad till det som gjorts mot dig. A good revenge is linked to what has been done against you. Om du till exempel vill hämnas på någon som
varit otrogen eller som dumpat dig, så bör straffet ha något med dejting/sex/trohet att göra.
For example if you want revenge on someone who cheated or who dumped you, you should use a punishment with dating/sex/fidelity involved.
Steg 4 / Step 4
Gör en brainstorm kring lämpliga åtgärder för kategorin av hämnd du är ute efter. För att fortsätta exemplet ovan så kan du paja ditt offers nuvarande relation, fixa så att dennes nye partner är otrogen eller se till att han får en galning efter sig. Do a brainstorm of appropriate measures for the category of revenge you’re after. To continue the example above, you can sabotage your victim’s current relationship, such as getting his new partner to be unfaithful or ensure that he gets a madman after him.
Använd din fantasi!
Use your imagination!
Steg 5 / Step 5
Tänk ut hur du kan hämnas systematiskt.
Figure out how you can systematically take revenge.
Kanske kan en serie brev och foton som får den nya att tro att ni ännu ses bättre än bara en stor lögn vid ett enstaka tillfälle? Send your victim a series of letters and photographs that make your victim’s new partner believe that you are still together which is better than to tell just one big lie on one single occasion
Steg 6 / Step 6
Ranka dina systematiska hämndscheman från låg till hög i termer av troligt lyckat genomförande, krävd insats från dig samt grad av tillfredsställelse om du lyckas.
Rank your systematic revenge schemes from low to high in terms of likely success, required input from you, and degree of satisfaction when you succeed.
Den ideala hämnden ligger givetvis så högt som möjligt i dessa staplar, men ofta kan en ökad insats av arbete och kapital ge säkrare output för de andra två, egentligen viktigare
The ideal, of course, is a revenge as strong as possible but this requires a lot of hard work and effort for it to turn out exactly as you want it to.
Step 7 / Step 7
Skrid till verket. Get to work. Och kom ihåg vilket ditt mål är medan du opererar, se till att ditt offer får lida på samma sätt som han fick dig att lida. And remember what your goals are while you are operating, ensure that your victim will suffer the same way as he made you suffer.
Entry Filed under: politik . Entry Filed under: politics . Taggar: hämnd , revenge , laglig hämnd , hämnas , återgälda , straffa .
Tags: revenge , revenge , revenge lawful , avenge , reciprocate , punish.
Apparently, Ardin was either one of the people or the person who invited Assange to Sweden:
The politics of Ardin are nothing but feminazi revenge on men.
And here is information on her internship/employment with the Swedish government. It is found on pages three through five (PDF). From the comment thread, it appears that this story is going to get very complex, very strange this coming week. Even though Ardin's possibly having been put up to making her tentative complaint to the authorities by some agency representing the U.S. government appears to be unlikely, we may be about to learn a lot about how complex underground politics in Sweden have become in the early 21st
The cache of the translated article can be found here:
Note that the article she refers to in the opening paragraph that inspired her is this eHow article, “How To Get Legal Revenge”:
The most incriminating part in the case of Assange is surely Step 3:
For example if you want revenge on someone who cheated or who dumped you, you should use a punishment with dating/sex/fidelity involved.

Assange Case: Ny Knows the Girls Made it Up but Doesn't Care
Revelations by Assange's Australian barrister James Catlin.

STOCKHOLM/MELBOURNE (Rixstep) — The charges against Julian Assange were indeed trumped up. Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén planned it all. They went to the police station asking for advice, knowing the police would turn it into an accusation of rape. They're also the ones who leaked the story to the tabloid Expressen.

This was revealed in a letter written by Assange's Australian barrister
to the website Crikey.


A bit of a recap first.

Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén approached the Klara police station in Stockholm on the afternoon of
Friday 20 August 2010 to ask questions of the police, purportedly about forcing someone to submit to STD/HIV tests.

The policemen on duty rang up prosecutor on duty Maria Kjellstrand even before the formal interrogation had begun. Kjellstrand - working with no paperwork at all at this point - issued an 'APB' for Assange and had the police search the Stureplan district of Stockholm for Assange, ostensibly to bring him in for questioning (and a tour of Swedish isolation cells).

The formal interrogation of Sofia Wilén was only concluded hours later and the interrogation of Anna Ardin didn't take place until the day after - by telephone.

As seen from Anna Ardin's SMS history, Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén made the whole thing up - and even decided to leak the story to notorious Swedish tabloid Expressen. The story reached Niklas Svensson and others at Expressen at 19:52.

A colleague of Svensson's rang up Maria Kjellstrand to find out if the story was true - and Kjellstrand, violating the rules of her office, told the reporter that it was.

All of which closely follows Anna Ardin's notorious 'seven step plan for revenge' and is based directly on it.

A lot of the above has been inferred by pundits and researchers but it is only now that people finally learn the truth.

Case Dismissed

Expressen did their damnedest - all three of the reporters working overtime on Twitter from the wee hours of Saturday morning - to give the story legs. They truly didn't have much of a story: all they had was the leak by Ardin and Wilén that charges would be filed.

This is something Ardin and Wilén couldn't even have known at the time: they purported
to ask the police questions only and it's the prosecutors and not the police who
file charges and decide what the crime (if any) is to be - and Kjellstrand still
hadn't seen any paperwork at all.

The case caused such a furore that Eva Finné was asked by her boss to look into it. Finné was at the time out in her sommarstuga for the weekend and had the case documents sent to her by messenger. Finné quickly concluded there was no rape charge there whatsover and essentially dismissed the whole thing.

Enter Claes Borgström

But Claes Borgström knew better. He and his friend and colleague Marianne Ny had been working on expanding the legal concept of rape in Sweden. They were interested in two sweeping changes to current legislation, whereof the most important one is that people themselves no longer decide when they've been raped - their governments do.

The other second change is relatively unimportant - but perhaps more shattering worldwide: almost anything can be considered rape - even and especially nonviolent and consensual acts.

Consensual sex can be rape, according to Borgström and Ny - but the alleged victims don't decide - they do.

The new laws which establish these 'precedents' are not yet on the books - but it's Marianne Ny's intention to make the Assange affair into a test case for that purpose.

In other words: Marianne Ny wants to try Julian Assange for a something that wasn't a crime when it took place.

SMS & Twitter

The designs of Ardin and Wilén were revealed by their SMS traffic (of which Catlin seems to only have seen those on Ardin's phone) and by Ardin's tweets after the supposed 'rape'. Most likely on advice from Claes Borgström, Ardin tried to remove all those tweets but didn't succeed all too well.

Not that it matters to Marianne Ny and Claes Borgström who've both seen the same evidence and are fully aware the girls made the whole thing up.

But as Borgström already said of Ardin (somewhat incorrectly): 'she's not a jurist'. Borgström and Marianne Ny can namely find rape where there is none. And for this nonsense there's today an international red notice out in 188 countries.
But then neither Ardin nor Wilén complained to the police but rather 'sought advice', a technique in Sweden enabling citizens to avoid just punishment for making false complaints. They sought advice together, having collaborated and irrevocably tainted each other's evidence beforehand. Their SMS texts to each other show a plan to contact the Swedish newspaper Expressen beforehand in order to maximise the damage to Assange.
 - James Catlin


The above doesn't affect the Assange case at all. Ardin and Wilén could both be convicted for bringing false accusations - all the evidence needed is already there - but that's not likely to happen. Women who make up rape charges get sent to prison in Britain but the feminist sisters usually protect their own in Sweden - their crime in this case carries a sentence of two years in prison but Wilén's been swallowed up by the earth and Ardin's in the middle east.

Julian Assange is being harassed for slighting the feelings of two groupies who worshipped him before and after the alleged rapes and he's being hunted for something that's definitely not rape and not even a crime yet.

Something that probably didn't even happen as the girls are known to have made the whole thing up.

But don't expect such trivialities to affect Marianne Ny, Claes Borgström, the Swedish courts, or the Swedish feminists.

Julian Assange will surely learn that considering what WikiLeaks has published, he's got a few enemies in the Pentagon, the CIA, and the White House. Sweden began an investigation into rape
which was later dismissed. Assange was even denied residence in Sweden. One can only speculate to what extent the security agencies of the US were involved. And considering the obvious interest of the US to silence WikiLeaks, is it likely Assange will have an accident of the 'Boston brakes' kind in the coming years? Or will he be snared with compromising information of the 'honey trap' kind?


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