Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Political Commentary and Opinion
Dick Freeman
November 23, 2010

Polygamy made for Women Only because the BC government say so!

The British Columbia government-ism now says laws against polygamy shouldn't apply to women, who have multiple husbands, say what?...

Oh looky, another double standard in the laws, so sure go ahead, make it up as you go. Why not,..... is it not what governments do best anyhow.

Yes, I guess those poor male saps who are minding their own business and in polygamy family relationships, will soon find themselves place in a nice day camp, where they will not be able to have many wives or children to look after, as the state will care for them. So sure, lets have Government-ism telling everyone that their kids should grow up without a dad..

After all, how dare these chaps do such a bad thing for having too many wives.

Yes BC Government-ism, well you know, those in the BC Liberal government-ism sat around in their think tank jammys last night and devised a plan to get at these polygamy men, who give them political creative guys a new look at how to make new laws......to stop men and fathers from forming any kind of bond with children, or their wives....

Are these BC Liberal government busy body-ism kooks for real?

This is what is wrong with Canada, and those elected cream puffs in office. They all run around screaming the sky is falling, while at the same time feeding the public how government knows best-ism, while their buds in women's rights organizations who all push the same old tired line on men and based on opinions in their demands to government-ism.
This sounds more like perverting the laws for one gender once again, as the BC government already has in many area's of the law, as do other governments, who spend days, months, and years finding new and exciting ways to trash over men, and fathers, as it has been done in family laws, then domestic violence laws, and now polygamy laws, made only for women.....Go figure.

Does government-ism really think it can place whatever-ism on anything these days and yet the public stands by like lost sheep and let these Liberals-ism do what ever they like in BC. No wonder BC is going down the scale as once a good province with dimwitted leadership steering the boat into the rocks, all the time..

Dam Good thing Bc Leader Liberal Campbell-ism will be gone, but not to soon enough.. 

Shouldn't government-ism and Feminism stay out of people's lives and their personal beliefs, and who do these cronies in government-ism think they are. When they have a dismal record with the likes of CPS a bunch of dysfunctional sinews of power mongers, who end up harming more family's and children every day in BC.

I wouldn't give you a plum nickel for any government, or those so called feminist groups claiming it all about those women's rights that are being violated and those that think it knows best on the issues of children and familys. As they don't know Jack Shit...They all use opinions and misguided beliefs, that in the end distroy famalys, children lives as we all seen in the divorce courts and the domestic violence laws.

Yup and now they just want to go after polygamy men....but B.C. says polygamy laws shouldn't target women with multiple husbands. I mean come on folks, just who do these clowns in office think their fooling, other then the public puppets, socialists who will buy anything the government says, even if it violates everyone's else's rights...

They really don't care, as governments are violating your freedom and rights for their phony war on terrorism. You see it every day on that issue. 

The British Columbia government says laws against polygamy shouldn't apply to women who have multiple husbands or same-sex relationships involving more than two people.

Ahh, now I get it, this is all starting to sound like extremist feminism research at work again, I wonder what kind of opinion research they gave to the BC government this time, to get at polygamy men, polygamy fathers and their children..So they can distroy those types of familys.. 

The lawyer for the province says the law was only ever meant to outlaw cases in which a man has more than one wife.

Really....hahahaha, ok....Can you say, "Double Standardism..."

Now wait a second, let back this up, didn't the BC Government just say; laws against polygamy shouldn't apply to women who have multiple husbands or same-sex relationships involving more than two people, as it only about Men having wives.

Now it all becoming clear... 

Craig Jones made the comments at a constitutional reference case in B.C. Supreme Court, which was spawned by the controversy over the polygamous community of Bountiful. Jones says the harms associated with polygamy, including child brides and the discrimination of women, are the result of men marrying multiple wives.

What makes Jones think it couldn't apply the other way around, when women are associated with polygamy, including them having child brides and the discrimination of children who are sexule abused by women, and is the result of women marrying multiple husbands, or women....

Jones says when Parliament brought in the polygamy laws in 1890, the government of the day was clearly concerned about multiple wives in some cultures -- namely Mormons, Muslims and First Nations.

Wow the 1890's, isn't that law a little outdated compaired to todays world and what is going on in what other governments are saying that there are many different types of familys.

Jones admits that his definition is "controversial" and that the federal government and others disagree, but he says whatever definition is used, the plural marriages of Bountiful clearly violate the law.

But Jones doesn't believe laws against polygamy shouldn't apply to women, who have multiple husbands or same-sex relationships involving more than two people.  There is no clearly violation of the law, right Jones! After all you don't want to seem like your a misogynist type now do you...

Just where is their socialist thinking at?

Well folks I don't know if I should laugh at or cry for Jones and the BC government-ism, as there are some real strange people getting elected in government-ism these days and those pushing for odd laws to make outlaws out of everyone..that is.... only you men folks out there, while feminism, and feminist groups has a free ride over the liberty of men and male children in this country...

People need to really think about that, as what cost do we as a society stop abusing the rights of others, for the sake of the few groups in this country who feel they have more rights and freedoms, then others do...

The federal government's lawyer is expected to disagree, explaining in written arguments that Ottawa believes the Criminal Code section dealing with polygamy refers to any marriage or conjugal relationship involving more than two people, regardless of their sex.

BC province's unsuccessful attempt to prosecute the two leaders of a fundamentalist Mormon sect in Bountiful, a small community in the southeastern Interior of B.C. Winston Blackmore and James Oler were charged in January 2009 with one count each of practising polygamy, but those charges were later thrown out when a judge ruled the province used an unfair process to find a prosecutor. If the court strikes down the law, Canada would be the first country in the developed world to decriminalize polygamy. However, no matter what Bauman decides, appeals to higher courts are expected.

Video click here
Radio Show Talk - Roadkill Radio

Show #84 Download Part 1
BILL GAIRDNER - the True Conservative, will join us to talk about his most recent book – THE TROUBLE WITH CANADA…STILL!  Bill is a prolific writer and a champion of common sense.  This will be a fascinating discussion!!

Show #84 Download Part 2

Terry O is rightly outraged by the Ontario judge who made unjust accusations against the father of two little girls who were tragically murdered by their mother.  Justice is both blind & dumb in this case. (Click
here for the story.)  Then “don’t touch my junk” – Air travel in the brave new world!  Are we being conditioned to conform?  Kari says; “you betcha!”

Show #84 Download Part 3
Doug Christie, lawyer and one of Canada’s most respected legal minds and a great defender of free speech and individual liberty will join us to talk about the Polygamy case that is taking place in Vancouver.  Doug is representing CAFÉ (Canadian Association for Free Expression) and arguing in favour of striking down the Criminal Code section involving polygamy!!  We should be selling tickets to this discussion (free-for-all!)!!

If You were taught that the United States Constitution written by our Founding Fathers was the most important document regarding individual freedom ever written in the history of mankind, followed only by the Magna Carta. You believe that the Constitution set up a central government with limited powers, and that the powers not listed in the Constitution was left for the states and the people who make up the states.  You believe that the powers of the central government were limited and that the powers of the individual states were indefinite, to quote James Madison.  You believe that the first Ten Amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, gave to each citizen rights given to them by their Creator that no government led by man can take away.  

That is why The Powers That Be, hate you, and whatever rights and freedoms are left.

News Report....

By: The Canadian Press
Date: Tuesday Nov. 23, 2010 11:22 AM PT

The British Columbia government says laws against polygamy shouldn't apply to women who have multiple husbands or same-sex relationships involving more than two people.

Instead, a lawyer for the province says the law was only ever meant to outlaw cases in which a man has more than one wife. Craig Jones made the comments at a constitutional reference case in B.C. Supreme Court, which was spawned by the controversy over the polygamous community of Bountiful. Jones says the harms associated with polygamy, including child brides and the discrimination of women, are the result of men marrying multiple wives. He says when Parliament brought in the polygamy laws in 1890, the government of the day was clearly concerned about multiple wives in some cultures -- namely Mormons, Muslims and First Nations. Jones admits that his definition is "controversial" and that the federal government and others disagree, but he says whatever definition is used, the plural marriages of Bountiful clearly violate the law.


Polygamy laws aimed at men, court told

Last Updated: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 | 5:13 PM PT

The Canadian Press

The special hearing into the constitutionality of Canada's laws against polygamy is being held at the B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver.
The special hearing into the constitutionality of Canada's laws against polygamy is being held at the B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver. (CBC)

Canada's prohibition against polygamy does not criminalize women who have multiple husbands, a lawyer for the British Columbia government said Tuesday.
Craig Jones told court the law was intended to only prohibit men from marrying multiple women.

Jones offered his admittedly "controversial" interpretation — one that stands at odds with even the federal government — at a constitutional reference case in Vancouver examining whether Canada's anti-polygamy laws violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The hearings were spurred by the controversy over the fundamentalist breakaway Mormon sect of Bountiful, where two leaders were charged with polygamy last year only to see those charges dropped on technical legal grounds.

Jones said the harms associated with polygamy — including child brides and the discrimination against women — are specific to the most common form of polygamy known as polygany, which involves men having multiple wives and is the form of polygamy practised in Bountiful.

Instances of women with multiple husbands, known as polyandry, are incredibly rare, said Jones, and neither polyandry nor same-sex, multi-partner relationships bring about the same harms to the people involved and society as a whole.

"It is arguable that Parliament could not criminalize polyandry and same-sex, multipartner conjugality even if it wished to," said Jones.

"Polyandry does carry some risk of harms that might be associated with it, but evidence for these is speculative and weak.... The fact is that the overwhelming majority of polygamy in practice is traditional, usually religious, patriarchal polygyny."
Jones made the point as he rejected a criticism made by some opponents of the law: that the crime of polygamy sweeps in relationships that aren't harmful.

Argument targets polygyny

He argued that most, if not all, of the problems with polygamy are specific to cases in which men marry more than one woman. He added that when Parliament brought in the polygamy laws in 1890, the government of the day was clearly concerned about multiple wives in some cultures — namely Mormons, Muslims and First Nations.
"It was clear what behaviour they wanted to address," said Jones. "All of the harms we are going to be demonstrating are specific to polygyny."

The federal government's lawyer is expected to disagree, explaining in written arguments that Ottawa believes the Criminal Code section dealing with polygamy refers to any marriage or conjugal relationship involving more than two people, regardless of their sex.

The constitutional reference case is scheduled to last until the end of January, hearing evidence from more than 30 witnesses including academics, current and former residents of Bountiful, and people living in multi-partner relationships outside of a religion.

Though the outcome of the hearing could directly affect admitted polygamist Winston Blackmore, the B.C. man is boycotting the proceedings.
Though the outcome of the hearing could directly affect admitted polygamist Winston Blackmore, the B.C. man is boycotting the proceedings. (CBC)

The results aren't technically binding, but experts have said other courts would certainly look to the decision for guidance and the case is expected to ultimately end up before the Supreme Court of Canada.

There are also about a dozen interveners, including religious groups, women's rights organizations and civil liberties advocates.

Oler, who leads a faction within Bountiful connected to the U.S.-based Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or FLDS, is also an intervener.



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